
1. a каждый, всякий

once in every week — раз в неделю

every hour on the hour — каждый час

every time — каждый раз

every morning — каждое утро

every other — каждый второй

every moment — каждую минуту

at every step — на каждом шагу

2. a всякий, все

every face was smiling — на всех лицах была улыбка

the task will take up his every spare moment — эта задача займёт всё его свободное время

he spends every penny he earns — он до копейки проживает всё, что зарабатывает

it engaged his every thought — это занимало все его мысли

in every direction, in all directions — во всех направлениях

a port secure from every wind — порт, укрытый от всех ветров

carried about with every wind — увлекающиеся всяким ветром

resorted every means available — пустил в ход все средства

testing every possible means — испробование всех способов

3. a каждый; любой

every three hours — каждые три часа

every few months — раз в несколько месяцев, каждые два-три месяца

on the same day every year — в один и тот же день каждый год

he starts at every noise — он вздрагивает при каждом шорохе

he goes to the South every year — каждый год он ездит на юг

every hour on the half-hour — каждый час в середине часа

to skip every tenth row — пропускать каждый десятый ряд

4. a каждый, все

every pupil is not talented — не каждый ученик талантлив

each and every — все

at every point — по всем пунктам

in every way — во всех отношениях

for every two — для каждого из двух

from every quarter — со всех сторон

5. a всякий; всевозможный; всяческий

we have every confidence in him — мы питаем к нему полное доверие

I wish you every success — желаю вам всяческого успеха

with every good wish — с наилучшими пожеланиями

there is every reason to believe that this is true — есть все основания полагать, что это правда

every last — всё до последнего; всё без исключения

strike out every last sentence of it — зачеркни всё до самого конца

he is every bit as clever as she — он так же умён, как она

Синонимический ряд:
each (adj.) all; any; each; each and every; each one; individual; particular; separate; specific; without exception

English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "every" в других словарях:

  • every — 1. differences between each and every. Both words denote all the people or things in a group, and both normally govern a singular verb (for some exceptions see each). But each is a pronoun (as in I ll take three of each) as well as an adjective… …   Modern English usage

  • Every — Ev er*y, a. & a. pron. [OE. everich, everilk; AS. [=ae]fre ever + [ae]lc each. See {Ever}, {each}.] 1. All the parts which compose a whole collection or aggregate number, considered in their individuality, all taken separately one by one, out of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • every — ► DETERMINER 1) used to refer to all the individual members of a set without exception. 2) used to indicate something happening at specified intervals: every thirty minutes. 3) all possible; the utmost: every effort was made. ● every bit as Cf.… …   English terms dictionary

  • every — [ev′rē] adj. [ME everiche < OE æfre ælc, lit., ever each] 1. each, individually and separately; each, and including all [every man among you] 2. the fullest possible; all that there could be [given every chance to do the job] 3. each group or… …   English World dictionary

  • every — early 13c., contraction of O.E. æfre ælc each of a group, lit. ever each (Chaucer s everich), from EACH (Cf. each) with EVER (Cf. ever) added for emphasis, as the word is still felt to need emphasis (Mod.Eng. every last ..., every single ..., etc …   Etymology dictionary

  • every — index collective Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • every — each, *all …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • every — [adj] each, all each one, whole, without exception; concept 531 Ant. none …   New thesaurus

  • every */*/*/ — UK [ˈevrɪ] / US determiner Summary: Every is generally used before a singular countable noun. The only exceptions are at Sense 2, where every can be used in phrases like every three hours , and at Sense 3. A noun subject that follows every is… …   English dictionary

  • every — ev|ery W1S1 [ˈevri] determiner [always followed by a singular C noun] [: Old English; Origin: Afre Alc ever each ] 1.) used to refer to all the people or things in a particular group or all the parts of something ▪ We looked carefully at every… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • every — [[t]e̱vri[/t]] ♦ 1) DET: DET sing n You use every to indicate that you are referring to all the members of a group or all the parts of something and not only some of them. Every village has a green, a church, a pub and a manor house... Record… …   English dictionary

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